Yves - Just Chatting, here you will find the latest podcast episodes with thoughts on current market trends from Yves Sandfort, CEO of the comdivision Group.
Recommended Episode
Episode 29 - Be respectful with other peoples time
Todays podcast focuses on the increasing amount of people who are late whether it is to a meeting in person or via zoom, or who are only physical at the meeting, but t...
Latest Episodes
Episode 1 - The start of #yvesjustchatting - Hypervisor und Ihre Vor-/Nachteile, VMC On AWS, Berufswahl und NSX
In der ersten Episode ging es um Fragen zum Hypervisor, ist VMware vSphere wirklich besser als Hyper-V? Aber es ging auch um Einstiegsgehälter in der IT, den Weg in di...